Hola, iam Terry Henderson, Buongiorno.

What Does Gm Mean Twitter? [Solved]

“gm” is internet slang for “good morning” and is used as a greeting on crypto and NFT twitter, but look a little deeper and you’ll see that saying gm is about much more than just a friendly hello.

What Do HODL, GM, WAGMI Mean? [Crypto Slang Explained]


What does “gm” mean? | NFTs, Cryptocurrency, and the Metaverse Simplified and Explained

#NFTs #NFT #web3.

E99: Cheating scandals, Twitter updates, rapid AI advancements, Biden’s pardon, Section 230 & more

0:00 Bestie intros! 1:34 Breaking down major cheating scandals: chess, poker, fishing 16:13